Hoping all of the brilliant advice I've freely given to clients and drunken girlfriends will finally pay off:
PROBLEM: 2005 Porsche Boxter 987 Convertible TOP IS STUCK in up position.
What I know: This is a 986 Forum. BUT, the top latch micro switch is the same 987. The new micro switch didn't work. HISTORY: I left the top down in the rain, twice. I caught it fairly quickly the 2nd time and the top went up fine. The NEXT MORNING the top would not go back down. -the windows drop down upon pulling the latch but, the top doesn't move after pushing the switch on the console. There is no buzzing or sound from motor-a multi-meter was used to check the driver's side panel fuses.
PREVIOUS/ONGOING PROBLEM: Door latch on driver side is faulty. Could these two issues be related? ALSO, the computer underneath the driver seat stayed dry and I am not having any other electrical problems. I would appreciate ANY advice and THANK YOU in advance.
Is this really what I am doing on a Friday night