Originally Posted by HolmaN
Why would you wantconstant to it? 15 (ignition power) should work just fine. Constant would only drain, unless it has a activation cable like a amplifier?
And if you'd like power cables, the entire boot is full of them.

right, that is what I meant by constant rather that only when the car is in reverse. the instructions with the camera says to connect the power to the reverse lamps, thus powering the camera only when the car is in reverse. However, the camera would take a few seconds to power up, don't want that delay. Also, my head unit has the option to manually activate the camera. on my truck I use this function when I am hauling a trailer to keep an eye on the load. doubt I would ever need it in the Boxster, but it's there, so I would like to have it

thanks for the pic. easy to see, looking at that, which side it the correct path to run the wires.