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Old 03-27-2019, 08:37 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by Starter986 View Post
Total. Utter. BS.

Ahhh govt 'protecting me from myself'... no thanks, I'll pass on.

Originally Posted by The Radium King View Post
i've no problem with it on the street. friend had a fleet van that was speed limited at 135 kmph or so - engine would cut out. sounds like this technology would vary the limit depending on the speed limit of the particular road.

just as long as there is a was to disable it ...

You may not but I absolutely do on privately owned vehicles.

If a fleet owner or govt agency wants to install such a device on their vehicles by all means go for it. Theirs to decide how, when, where etc. they should be driven. But, should NEVER be applied automatically to privately owned vehicles. Period.

Anecdotally, I've had more than a number of circumstances in which SPEED HAS SAVED ME... a lack thereof or even active braking would have instead created devastating results. One such was just this past Saturday while driving my truck (at/just above above the legal limit) pulling my trailer w/ my P-car on a multi-lane hwy. I was in lane 1 passing a SUV in lane 2. Lane 3 had a box truck who decided to slide into lane 2 in effort to give way to a car merging from on ramp. Except box truck didn't see SUV (in trucks blind spot but who also had a vehicle following too closely). Seeing it unfolding I slide a smidgeon left and stomped on the throttle. Doing so put me well above the 'limit' but I was able to make room for SUV (initially even w/ my trailer) in lane 2 to slide behind me in my lane and avoid getting hit by box truck... whereby also avoid hitting my trailer loaded w/ my car which most likely would have caused me to jack-knife (at best). But hey, what do I know versus some dumb@ss bureaucrats 'solving' our problems.

As to BMWCCA, first off, that article and the action is 2+ years old. If I recall correctly BMW sued or at least threatened to sue the Club regarding that policy so it was rescinded. Active "safety" features are extremely troublesome on track if the 'eyes' aren't properly focused [cough] obscured [cough].

"Cool Prius!"
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