06-03-2014, 11:46 AM
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war on neighbors cat
ok neighbors cat has decided my cars soft top is best place to sleep  ..cant put in garage ...
any ideas ...
06-03-2014, 12:01 PM
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Take one of those plastic mats that you lay under an office chair and lay it upside down on top of the car. The cat shouldn't like the feel of the little plastic spikes.
Another option might be one of these... but I'm not really a cat person...
06-03-2014, 12:02 PM
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Aluminum foil placed on the roof, also any mouse traps you may have.
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06-03-2014, 12:04 PM
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He won't even hear it coming..............
“Anything really new is invented only in one’s youth. Later, one becomes more experienced, more famous – and more stupid.” - Albert Einstein
06-03-2014, 12:07 PM
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Car cover, and if that doesn't work, then spray a little of this on the cover. http://store.davesgourmet.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=DAUI
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Last edited by Spinnaker; 06-03-2014 at 12:12 PM.
06-03-2014, 12:11 PM
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Trap it and let it go a long ways away!
I have the same problem and it's coming down to that. Either that or talk to the owner and have a camera pointed at your car so if the cat does cause damage you can take him to court.
06-03-2014, 12:21 PM
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A BB gun. Not the crazy strong ones but just the entry-level strength, dont want to hurt him but after a successfull shot or two its uncomfortable enough that they dont come back. Try to catch him BEFORE he's on the car, dont want claws out when he's up there
06-03-2014, 12:34 PM
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spray it with a hose. I know, not nearly as fun as guns and leg-hold traps, but probably a lot more effective.
06-03-2014, 12:49 PM
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I have the same problem now that I decided to put the wife's new Lexus in the garage and put my old Boxster under the carport. Grrr....
06-03-2014, 12:59 PM
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A car cover would probably do the trick. The cat's probably like the soft tops because they get nice and warm sitting in the sun. A reflective cover should change that.
A squirt with the hose also works, provided you are there to monitor it. Cats also really don't like citrus, but I'd be careful about putting any sort of citrus product on the soft top fabric because you don't want to degrade the fabric.
06-03-2014, 01:01 PM
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I am not condoning any thing that will cause injury to your neighbor's cat, since I like most of them and have even had a cat or two parked in the house at times. But, like anything else, they need to know their place and sometimes need some discipline.
I used to feed my cat outside, so she could eat while I was at work. Other cats would come around and eat her food. I didn't want to injure the other cats, but I wanted them to leave her food alone.
After much thought and problem solving head scratching, I came up with this. I took an old ignition coil I had laying around and wired it to a section of cardboard covered with a grid of aluminum foil and put it in front of her food dish. The spark lead goes to one section of the grid, and the ground went to the other section of the grid. I hooked up a micro switch to the 12 volt power lead in order to cycle the power (to simulate opening and closing the points) and used a battery charger for power.
So on weekend, when I was home, I would keep watch for the free loaders. Once they were on the foil pad, I hit the micro switch and you have never seen a cat jump so high in your life.
Nothing like a little electroshock therapy to change some behavior.
2000S Ocean Blue Metallic- 116K
3X Water Pump, Clear side markers, Crios Mod, Front engine mount, Flywheel, clutch, RMS, AOS, MAF, serpentine belt, power brake vacuum line, battery, 2X CV boots, Fuel filter, Oil filler tube, 3X ignition switch, 90K service, gas cap, Coolant tank
06-03-2014, 01:08 PM
On the slippery slope
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Originally Posted by typea
a bb gun. Not the crazy strong ones but just the entry-level strength, dont want to hurt him but after a successfull shot or two its uncomfortable enough that they dont come back. Try to catch him before he's on the car, dont want claws out when he's up there 
you don"t shoot any gun at an animal l!!!!
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Last edited by JayG; 06-03-2014 at 01:11 PM.
06-03-2014, 01:10 PM
On the slippery slope
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Originally Posted by Spinnaker
I am not condoning any thing that will cause injury to your neighbor's cat, since I like most of them and have even had a cat or two parked in the house at times. But, like anything else, they need to know their place and sometimes need some discipline.
I used to feed my cat outside, so she could eat while I was at work. Other cats would come around and eat her food. I didn't want to injure the other cats, but I wanted them to leave her food alone.
After much thought and problem solving head scratching, I came up with this. I took an old ignition coil I had laying around and wired it to a section of cardboard covered with a grid of aluminum foil and put it in front of her food dish. The spark lead goes to one section of the grid, and the ground went to the other section of the grid. I hooked up a micro switch to the 12 volt power lead in order to cycle the power (to simulate opening and closing the points) and used a battery charger for power.
So on weekend, when I was home, I would keep watch for the free loaders. Once they were on the foil pad, I hit the micro switch and you have never seen a cat jump so high in your life.
Nothing like a little electroshock therapy to change some behavior.
You are crazy too.
How about I put that same contraption on your seat and zap you
2004 Boxster S 6 speed - DRL relay hack, Polaris AutoTop DIY
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06-03-2014, 01:18 PM
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Originally Posted by JayG
you don"t shoot any gun at an animal l!!!!
Ill try to remember that the next time a cat is trespassing on MY (fenced in) property...not!!!! If shooing worked (or pet owners were actually responsible for their pets) we wouldnt have this problem, now would we?
Last edited by TypeA; 06-03-2014 at 01:22 PM.
06-03-2014, 01:19 PM
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Wow, you really think the cat will damage your car? You apparently have never had a cat.
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06-03-2014, 01:23 PM
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Originally Posted by JayG
You are crazy too.
How about I put that same contraption on your seat and zap you
He's not trespassing, your argument is invalid.
06-03-2014, 01:28 PM
Join Date: May 2014
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Originally Posted by Ebell914
Wow, you really think the cat will damage your car? You apparently have never had a cat.
I have had cats with dirty paws scratch my paint (either with the dirt or with their claws) in their scramble to remove themselves from my vehicle (or in the act of climbing up or down). So, yes, yes indeed they can damage your car. To say nothing of the nuisance...youve obviously never had fur and dirty cat prints from one end of your clean car to another. If you had, you would know that these dirt trails do not just simply rinse off. No, they must be washed off. A far as Im concerned, that dirt trail is damage. BTW there is also the potential that they will use a covered car as a scratching post, damaging your car cover.
Last edited by TypeA; 06-03-2014 at 01:37 PM.
06-03-2014, 01:33 PM
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Originally Posted by JayG
You are crazy too.
How about I put that same contraption on your seat and zap you
I have been zapped plenty of times while working on cars when they are running, and I have survived just fine.
2000S Ocean Blue Metallic- 116K
3X Water Pump, Clear side markers, Crios Mod, Front engine mount, Flywheel, clutch, RMS, AOS, MAF, serpentine belt, power brake vacuum line, battery, 2X CV boots, Fuel filter, Oil filler tube, 3X ignition switch, 90K service, gas cap, Coolant tank
06-03-2014, 01:39 PM
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I am not condoning any thing that will cause injury to your neighbor's cat, since I like most of them and have even had a cat or two parked in the house at times. But, like anything else, they need to know their place and sometimes need some discipline.
I used to feed my cat outside, so she could eat while I was at work. Other cats would come around and eat her food. I didn't want to injure the other cats, but I wanted them to leave her food alone.
After much thought and problem solving head scratching, I came up with this. I took an old ignition coil I had laying around and wired it to a section of cardboard covered with a grid of aluminum foil and put it in front of her food dish. The spark lead goes to one section of the grid, and the ground went to the other section of the grid. I hooked up a micro switch to the 12 volt power lead in order to cycle the power (to simulate opening and closing the points) and used a battery charger for power.
So on weekend, when I was home, I would keep watch for the free loaders. Once they were on the foil pad, I hit the micro switch and you have never seen a cat jump so high in your life.
Nothing like a little electroshock therapy to change some behavior.
back in the day our dogs used to eat our ducks (and chickens and geese) as well as those of the neighbours. so we took a duck, stood it on a piece of cardboard, and tied it in place. and hooked it up to an electric fence generator. duck was grounded so didn't feel the shock, but as soon as the dog touched it ... zap! duck lived to tell an amazing tale and be a hero to the rest of the duck village, and dogs never touched the ducks again.
06-03-2014, 01:44 PM
On the slippery slope
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Originally Posted by TypeA
I have had cats with dirty paws scratch my paint (either with the dirt or with their claws) in their scramble to remove themselves from my vehicle. So, yes, yes indeed they can damage your car. To say nothing of the nuisance...youve obviously never had fur and dirty cat prints from one end of your clean car to another. If you had, you would know that these dirt trails do not just simply rinse off, they must be washed off.
First of all, I have dogs and cats
The is no way in hell a cats claws will scratch the paint on your car, they simply are not hard enough
And yes, I have had one of my cats climb on my car after I have washed it. No big deal. Bird poop is far worse. Just use a quick spurt of detailer and any paw prints are gone.
In fact, the prints you leave from touching or leaning on the car are far worse. You leave oils and other things from your skin that are in fact corrosive to the paint
Shooting a cat is just plain cruel and stupid. You don't deserve to own a Porsche.
How about I shoot your dumb ass with BB gun or zap you with an ignition coils and see how you like it .

2004 Boxster S 6 speed - DRL relay hack, Polaris AutoTop DIY
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Last edited by JayG; 06-03-2014 at 01:59 PM.
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