11-10-2009, 05:15 AM
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01 5 speed, purchased it 3 years ago with 57k, now at 96K and used as daily drive.
looked at Miata, Z3, Z4 and S2000 - no power, too tight, no trunk and way too tight- then a seal gray Boxster >>> Just right!
Dealer gave us OK to drive it for couple of days but it it only took a short drive; out of the lot, around a corner and half way down a freeway onramp to make our minds up. Got off the next exit and back to the dealer and purchased it.
This car satisfied my 2nd mid life crisis, it replaced another open top vehicle - motorcycle.
The top is always down, only up to stretch the fabric and to clean it. even drove it in light rain. When it really rains (in Southern Cal??) I drive a hard top. Hard top vehicle is 330 ZHP and is a great car but its been in the garage with a battery tender attached and has seen all of 400 miles in 3 years since the Boxster came into the picture.
only mod = 987 shifter. great car without any mods (for me).
12-14-2009, 06:14 AM
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That Moment
Originally Posted by sd_boxster
While I do not promote or condone reckless driving, I believe that each of us has had at least one moment where we said, "Crap, if I'd been driving any other car, THAT would have turned out differently."
In my case, I was flying up a mountain road very, very early one morning and drastically underestimated my speed heading into a very sharp 30mph right-hand curve - I was going more than double that. In my previous car - and any other car I've ever owned, I would have understeered across the opposing lane of traffic and off the side of the road. The Boxster may have left a chunk of rubber or two on my side of the road that day, but damned if it was going to let me kill myself on its watch.
It was one of those moments when you realize just how much the Boxster can give, and forgive, before you really get in trouble.
The main artery to the area where I live is I-15 through the Virgin River Gorge, a twisty banking black ribbon that cuts through a canyon where the river doesn't, begging more right foot.
Just last Sunday I was bringing my just bought 2000 Boxster home from Santa Barbara, first time carving this canyon in it. It's a familiar place for me were I ride a Blackbird and drive a spec Miata, and a few years ago my 914. I don't condone recklessness either and try to keep my skills where they need to be. My wife and step son were following me in our Yukon.
I lost them in the first series of turns and accelerated through the gorge, justifying every dollar spent on this ride, unbelievable agility, adhesion and handling, a wonderful initiation to this car.
Out the other side is an offramp where I waited for my spouse to catch up. When she zipped by me unaware I mounted the onramp and in seconds was quickly on her tail flashing and peeling back the speed. While she caught me in her mirrors she didn't see debris in the road, plywood about 3X4 feet. The Yukon went right over it and its wash flipped it up about as high as the windscreen on the Boxster - not even time to think, just react. The 986 flicked to the right, the plywood flying by my driver side window.
Any other car? I hate to even think what may have happened.
Last edited by ImNoSaint; 12-14-2009 at 06:16 AM.
02-14-2010, 01:12 PM
There Is No Substitute.
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I thought I might share a little Boxster love for Valentine's Day!
This morning I had one of those, I love my Boxster moments. I had to go buy a narrow 4' folding card table. I was nervous it wouldn't fit in my Boxster without the roof rack on. Not surprisingly  , it fit perfectly fine in the passenger seat.
My Boxster has yet to be defeated by any challenge I throw at it, from daily errands to autocross's. There really is no other car quite like the Boxster! I hope everyone on this forum is as happy with their Porsche as I am.
(Older picture, but still looking great!)
1999 Ocean Blue Metallic Boxster - blueboxster.com
05-25-2010, 06:16 PM
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I was going more than double that. In my previous car - and any other car I've ever owned, I would have understeered across the opposing lane of traffic and off the side of the road. The Boxster may have left a chunk of rubber or two on my side of the road that day, but damned if it was going to let me kill myself on its watch.
05-26-2010, 04:20 PM
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Every time I drive it there is a moment when I have a huge smile on my face I can't control.
05-27-2010, 06:18 PM
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Daily Drive - Top Down Everyday
at the century mark today and going strong fun fun fun
06-02-2010, 06:31 PM
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There's no better way to get a smile on your face when you are down. I just put the top down and have a drive through the mountain road behind my house.
It sticks to the road like glue, everything feels disconnected and lazy after it.
06-05-2010, 10:33 AM
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I just gave the car a nice thorough cleaning last night... and inevitably got the itch to take a short cruise. Passed a group of 8-10, mixed with good looking 20-something girls; one girl yelled out "I want to ride in THAT" when I drove by. Unfortunately I was already half a block away before she finished her statement bc I drive it for fun not for show
'04 986 Aero - Seal Metallic Gray
Fabspeed: Maxflo Mufflers, Headers with sportcats, Tips; Alpine & Infinity sound
06-06-2010, 08:12 PM
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Did an autocross today up in Milwaukeee. Had a blast sliding my boxster through corners and driving on the ragged edge of control.
06-29-2010, 08:19 PM
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I woke up feelin' down one Sunday morning...(happens once every year or two)
Got in the Boxster S, dropped the top, drove a few miles down to Hwy 1 Big Sur, and in no time the twisties, amazing views, tremendous handling of the vehicle, and the wind brought a huge smile to my face...
By the time I got home I was downright happy to be alive!!!!!!!!!
2007 Boxster S
Meteor Grey Metallic / Terracotta Leather
Adaptive Sports Seats / PCM 2.1
Bi-Xenon / Heated Seats / 19" Turbo Wheels
Windstop Deflector / Sports Chrono Package +
Bose High End Sound / Chrome Exhaust
Thick Steering Wheel
07-04-2010, 10:22 PM
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Originally Posted by fusionist
Every time I drive it there is a moment when I have a huge smile on my face I can't control.
I could not have said it any better.
07-06-2010, 12:50 PM
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The wife and I just got back from a 550 mi trip to Watkins Glen.
WOW !!
What a great trip. After much angst about taking the Boxster on such a trip, in the end it was much ado about nothing.
Took the car to the dealer to check the brakes and do a flush and an oil change, (out with the Mobil 1, in with the Redline 5W40) brought it home and packed for 4 days of IndyCar fun. We left Friday morning with the top down and the sunscreen on.
If you ever have a chance to drive Rt. 14 between Trout Run, Pa. and Watkins Glen, NY. do it. The scenery in north central Pa. is spectacular, and Rt.14 winds through valleys and small towns. It's a mostly 2 lane road that is in very good condition and very little traffic.
The Boxster was made for this kind of road. And I am so happy to report that the car ran like a champ. Not a single glitch. The trip home was even better, even though we left NY at 6:30 am in temps of 70 degrees and arrived in Maryland to temps of over 100 degrees the water temp never went above 185 the entire trip.
I. Love. This. Car. And better yet, so does the wife. I'm sorry I waited this long to own a Porsche.
07-12-2010, 09:14 AM
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Originally Posted by fusionist
Every time I drive it there is a moment when I have a huge smile on my face I can't control.
you just said my words....indeed a superb experience to ride this super car....
07-28-2010, 08:32 PM
i would be lying if i said i didnt . i guess the trick is is not to so as to lead a good example for the kids but holy **** i do love to race ~!
08-09-2010, 09:48 PM
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I spent most of Saturday in my toasty garage waxing, cleaning and loving my Boxster so I could go for a drive on Sunday morning. The next day, after a few hours driving through some twisty mountain roads, I was in a pretty great place. I came home espousing the wonders of my base 986 to my wife. It really is a great car and in many ways I am really happy with the basic un-modified tossable car that I have. In the greatest Porsche design tradition, it's incredible in its simplicity. It's why I always loved my first Porsche, a 1974 914.
My wife, with perfect timing and in a deadpan voice informed me the only reason I'm happy with my basic Boxster is because I can't afford the faster one.
Good moment gone.
Steve in Allen, TX
1997 Boxster - Thy Toy
2011 BMW X-5 - Wife Hauler
2012 Tunda - Dad Hauler
Fat Tire - Favorite Beer
08-10-2010, 09:26 AM
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Going on sat morning drives with about a dozen other porsche owners (PCA) thru the country side. Then spending some time cleaning her afterwards. Priceless
Living one calculated risk @ a time
08-23-2010, 04:10 PM
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Driving panacea
I get comatose when I am behind the wheel of my Boxster. The sweet noise from the engine, quick acceleration the air messing up my hair. The best was driving into the Indian reservation and buying a carton of cigarettes for less than half the price at the stores. Oh government how I love to stick it up your culo!
Yes the benefits of living in the Empire State " land of taxes" or there is not a tax that we dislike.
Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate
10-06-2010, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by 2TrunkSteve
I spent most of Saturday in my toasty garage waxing, cleaning and loving my Boxster so I could go for a drive on Sunday morning. The next day, after a few hours driving through some twisty mountain roads, I was in a pretty great place. I came home espousing the wonders of my base 986 to my wife. It really is a great car and in many ways I am really happy with the basic un-modified tossable car that I have. In the greatest Porsche design tradition, it's incredible in its simplicity. It's why I always loved my first Porsche, a 1974 914.
My wife, with perfect timing and in a deadpan voice informed me the only reason I'm happy with my basic Boxster is because I can't afford the faster one.
Good moment gone.
Your wife sounds like my wife. Man do I love my wife. She also would let me spend alot of time on the weekend cleaning my car. More time than most husbands spend
on their mode of transport. But then she would also lovenly burst my happiness bubble with a comment like the one above.
10-06-2010, 04:23 PM
Track rat
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After 5 years of ownership my car has been transformed into a Time Trial weapon and doesn't see as many joy rides as it used to. Still the best times in my Boxster are knocking the top down and shooting the canyons and Glendora Ridge Road with my brother in his matching car. A quick stop at the lookout to view the channel islands on a clear day and a cold beer in Mt. Baldy village to top off the day. I believe this pure driving pleasure adds 5 years onto ones life.
2009 Cayman 2.9L PDK (with a few tweaks)
PCA-GPX Chief Driving Instructor-Ret.
10-16-2010, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Boby Lashly
You can't tell me that the 1st mechanic rebuilt the engine and then let it leave his shop without starting it. That's just down right BS or the guy wasn't actually a mechanic.
You should have first taken it back to the first mechanic and let him fix the problem. It's impossible to install a cam shaft wrong. It only goes in one way. He may have installed a timing chain/ belt wrong, but that would be pretty easy to figure out and fix, without tearing the whole engine apart. I think mechanic # 2 is the one that screwed you.
Hey, look...
Another spammer.
Can someone get rid of this person, and prevent them from ever gracing our website ever again?
Every weekend this guy shows up with a new alias.
Can't this end?
Its not how fast you go, or how expensive your toys are.
Its all about how big your smile is at the end of the day that truly matters.
'98 Silver Boxster, '08 Ducati 848, '89 Honda Hawk GT, '89 Honda Pacific Coast
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