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Old 05-07-2004, 12:33 PM   #1
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Boxster a "True" Porsche ?

Hi, I'm not trying to start a negative thread here. I have an Acura and I get on the forums and there's a thread on the Boxster and I see comments as below:

"Boxter S is pseudo Porsche. 911 is THE Porsche. No real Porsche fan would be caught dead in one! I'd rather have a new S2000 than one of those and yes, I'm serious. Sorry if this offends those who own one. It's my nickel!?

"Yeah, but this isn't a "real porsche" we're talking about, it's a "porsche with panties""

How should I respond ? I don't know history, technical aspects of Porsches very well. I'm not looking to "fight" or have too much time on my hands but I am interested in seeing how valid these comments are ? (I've heard this before.)

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Old 05-07-2004, 12:48 PM   #2
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I have an Acura and I get on the forums ...
Time to find a new forum(s).

You'll just be engaging in pointless arguements with individuals who are TOTALLY clueless about Boxsters specifically and Porsches in general.

Save yourself the grief, and just educate yourself about Porsches, and how the company blazed the trail for most of the "rice" running around today.
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Old 05-07-2004, 01:15 PM   #3
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Well, it is quite simply the best convertible Porsche has ever made, bar none. It was designed from the ground-up as a roadster, with the ideal balanced mid-engine design.

If it lacks anything it is a little bit of horsepower. That was a choice Porsche made for marketing reasons, for geniune fear that it would outrun the flagship 911. (The fear proved real, witness the 911-powered RUF 3400 and 3600) Nonetheless, the Boxster still runs some excellent track times due to the great chassis and brakes.

Anyone who chooses to ignore what the automotive press has been saying about the Boxster since 1996 isn't a true car enthusiast, but a poser.
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Old 05-07-2004, 01:26 PM   #4
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I agree the idea of posting a rebuttal on another board is pointless. When people project their own prejudices so strongly, you'll be burning needless energy and likely just fuel them more.

If you are truly interested yourself, try a test drive of the Boxster & S2000 and compare them to your own experience with the Acura. They are all good cars, and the designers of each made trade-offs that will suit different people to a greater or lesser extent. I liked the S2000, but didn't want one after driving the Boxster. I can say from experience that I was able to catch up with and pass many 911 drivers on the track - their cars could outrun me in the straights but I could carry more speed out of the turns in the Boxster (base stock vs. base stock)... a trade-off of balanced handling vs. pure power.
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Last edited by donv; 05-07-2004 at 01:28 PM.
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Old 05-07-2004, 03:50 PM   #5
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I guess the 550 spyder wasn't a real Porsche then either! It is regarded as one of Porsche's all time classics and yet the new Boxsters are a roadster which is faster and handles better.

Define what a true Porsche is/should be/should do/should look like?
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Old 05-07-2004, 04:50 PM   #6
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The interpretation of the statement has many permutations. If we are to follow that logic then acuras are nothing more than a bloated honda. Even the origin of Porsche is closely tied with VW.So you can say that the 911 is bloated VW bug.
Bitter and frustrated people can't ever find something nice to say to anyone. They are the half empty glass crowd and people in general I would not like to be around with.
As far as our car is concern the 986 Boxster I find the design avant garde and trend setting. I find it so beautiful that I envisioned being exhibited in the future at MOMA like the Jag XK-E is. The Boxster is the quintessential roadster! It is true to its sport car roots of the 1950's in performance and handling. I consider it nicer looking and much better handling car than the 911. Sure it does not the racing history than the 911 but I believe that the 550 Spyder racing program is well documented and happened before there ever was a 911. The aforementioned debunks the 911 racing lineage as to who came first. The modern Boxster based on the Spyder does not have a racing program but that is a Porsche Corp decision. That has nothing to do how the present car handles or how it performs. I will say that there are cars out there that are faster but they will never match the handling of the Boxster. This fact is confirmed in all of the automobile magazines that have tested the Boxsters.
Regarding the ever important hp issue , just ask Michael Schumacher if he would like more hp in his F-1 Ferrari and I can assure that the answer will be "Yes we can use some more power" . We are totally spoiled. We have a car capable of over 165 miles per hour and we want more! 0-60 in 5.5 or less handles like a gem. All of that and looks awesome. In short for those effete dense headed imbeciles that carte blanche the car with the statement that Boxster is not a Porsche just tell them to test drive one and then when they have something intelligent to say to raise their hand. After all the car is designed by Porsche, made by Porsche factory and sold in Porsche showrooms.
Just remember Spyder was first , the 911 came later.
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Old 05-07-2004, 06:42 PM   #7
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Originally posted by Pilot2519j
Just remember Spyder was first , the 911 came later.
Unless of course you consider the 356 really the first 911.

But really since when was older always better? They started with a clean sheet of paper on the Boxster, and I'm sure they wish they could do the same with the 911.

There are some weird forces at work. I heard a rumor that prototypes of the Boxster were pulling 1.10-1.13 G's on the skidpad. But they never hit the street that way, wonder why?

Think about it, if they can tweak a pig like the Cayenne to near-sports car performance, how much are they holding back on their sports cars?

That's my conspiracy theory for the night.
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Old 05-07-2004, 08:41 PM   #8
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My point if you are happy with the performance of the car and the handling who cares what others say. The original Spyder won a lot of races but was a very hard car to control. I believe that Porsche was very concerned with the numerous accidents they were involved in the racing circuit to the extent of almost canceling the racing program.
That's it for tonight.
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Old 05-08-2004, 01:55 PM   #9
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A real as a Porsche can get.

Like an Acura owner would really know about Porsches.

Well, perhaps some would, but that one obviously had no clue. We have an Acura TSX too.
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Old 05-08-2004, 07:48 PM   #10
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If that guy was talking about straight-line performance and that's the reason he thinks 911's are the ****************, consider this: the boxster S is faster than a 911 cabbie tiptronic so says Moter Trend. The 911 6-speed cabbie may be a tenth or two faster in the 1320. Big ************************ deal.
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Old 05-08-2004, 08:29 PM   #11
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"Like an Acura owner would really know about Porsches."

That's the case with me, I own an Acura CL and now a Boxster as well and I'm trying to get to know the Boxster. thanks for all the answers.

I didn't respond to those comments at the Acura forum because they seem so unsubstantiated. Those people seem to think their emotions/preferences are facts for some reason.
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Old 05-09-2004, 07:48 AM   #12
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I have been selling cars for 3 years (Acuras) and I have driven more cars than I can even remember including S2000, NSX, 911, Vetts, T/As, 300zs, RX7s. And a whole bunch more I won't list and I can buy just about any car I want (under $100K) and I choose the Boxster. It is definetly the funnest car I have ever driven. Also I feel it is the best Bang for your buck and I am big on that seeing as how I also own an Acura TSX 6 speed for the winter.

I don't agree with what many people say on those Jap import forums everyone says that the Boxster isn't a true Porsche. Well you can't listen to these people, most of whom own 96 Honda civics with garbage can mufflers on them and the car makes alot of noise but doesn't go any where. Most are just jealous they can't afford a Porsche of their own.
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Old 05-10-2004, 05:09 AM   #13
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I am sick of hearing all the people that say my car is a slow piece of crap! i can see the jealous look in there face. I went out to dinner with my wife and her girlfrined and her husband we get home from dinner pull in my drive way nad I say"hey check out my new ride" his response " " I hate Boxster's I think that it is the biggest piece of garbage on the road and i would never own one" So i am standing there puzzled and ready to beat him down because he just insulted my girlfriend but i could see my wife's saying let it go so i did. by the way he is no longer welcome at my house and we have not seen them sence.

I guess my point is it seems alot of people have negative things to say about Porsche but the funny thing is you won't hear it from a Porsche owner only the ricer's and the gear heads.

I also tell them that when I really want to fly I jump on my Hayabusa, and that shuts them up
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Old 05-10-2004, 06:33 AM   #14
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"I don't agree with what many people say on those Jap import forums everyone says that the Boxster isn't a true Porsche. Well you can't listen to these people, most of whom own 96 Honda civics with garbage can mufflers on them and the car makes alot of noise but doesn't go any where. Most are just jealous they can't afford a Porsche of their own."

I was just wondering whether their claims had any merits at all or it's just them talking out of their a*sses. It's one thing you don't like the look of it and you're entitle to an opinion. But saying it's not a true Porsche is ridiculous unless you can substantiate it.
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Old 05-10-2004, 02:54 PM   #15
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True Porsche?

At 125MPH when you shift from 4th to 5th it looks, sounds and feels like a true Porsche. Same at 150MPH in the 5th-6th shift but it will be lagging behind the 996.

When you slam on the brakes to get back down to 100MPH and look at the car that backed off at 130, it still feels like a Porsche.

Some folks say all water cooled Porsche's aren't "true porsches". They sounded less like idiots when they said it 10-15 years ago.
Anyone who doesn't want to claim the Carrera GT as a 'true Porsche' has got a screw loose.

BTW: Cayenne S sounds like a Porsche at 125MPH also.
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Old 05-10-2004, 05:43 PM   #16
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Why don't you ask those idiots what criteria a car must meet in order to be considered a true porsche? Cost 100k? go from 0-60 in 4 sec flat?
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Old 05-17-2004, 10:02 PM   #17
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I actually have a friend in SC that owns a 911, that gave me a hard time about wanting a Boxster.

I mentioned this to my salesman, John Morgan at Tom Williams Porsche, and he showed me why it is a real Porsche.

I agree, therefore I bought my 04 Boxster. Its hilarious to come up on someone with the (garbage can, coffee can, fart can exhaust) and the 7 story spoiler and the (get this) the Porsche inspired ducted front ends, making so much noise and going nowhere.

My Boxster in "break in mode" will dust most of these idiots. My sedate looking G35 6MT sedan would shock the heck out of them too. Most of these nuts can't even pronounce Porsche (por-sha) correctly. It is a variation of the girl's name Portia.

Porsches have a much better ride and provide so much intuitive feedback through the steering wheel, the seat, the pedals and the silky smooth shifting that most try to imitate.

These idiots don't realize, the amount of money they spend on "tuning" these "economy cars" to get them to "perform", they could have bought a 2 to 3 year old Boxster and have a better longer lasting performance car.

Nothing sounds like a Porsche, nothing feels like a Porsche, nothing handles like a Porsche, nothing looks like a Porsche (except a 924/944), nothing says you have arrived like a Porsche, no one can lower the top on the fly (up to 50km/h) like a new 911 Cabriolet. Often imitated, never duplicated.


Last edited by bamaboxster; 05-23-2004 at 08:42 PM.
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Old 09-04-2004, 08:29 PM   #18
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My God-father owned two Porsches: a 928, which felt like a Porsche, and a Ruf slant-nosed twin-turbo God-knows-what that definantly felt like a Porsche. My older brother owned a 2000 911. Felt like a Porsche. I drove a friend's 944 and even it felt Porschey. I had the opportunity to drive these cars and now I drive a Boxster. It also feels like a Porsche. It's really a stupid question; sorry acf53, no offense, but how would you expect a bunch of owners to respond? "This tin P.O.S. feels flimsy at it's meager limit, delivering none of the thrills of real Porsches everywhere? And that's why I forked over the bucks to get one! 'Cuz I'm a duffus". I smell a troll...
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Old 09-04-2004, 10:32 PM   #19
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I believe what makes Boxster a true porsche is the incredible handling while cornering, the sure grip on the road, the perfect response from the road and the most beautiful design I have seen in a roadster as yet.

Let me confess - I am not a racing enthusiast. I cannot handle a car on a twisted road above 100 miles an hour and will probably never race at a track. I was looking for a fun car that brought a smile tom my lips and I test drove almost all roadsters. Nothing compared to Boxster.

There is more to a roadset than pure hp. Yes, there are cheaper cars out there than Boxster with more hp - I suppose it boild down to what are you looking for in your car. However, to call a boxster a fake porsche will be a lie.
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Old 09-08-2004, 06:24 PM   #20
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3 months later and I posting another reply....

I have had some really exciting seat time in my new 04 Boxster. I have finally accepted the fact that some mid engine cars have a certain stigma attached to them. Some have had less than stellar service histories, others were mis-understood.

I owned a 1984 Fiero SE (2m4) which I bought in California in 1989 with 30K on it and a new engine installed by GM.

I drove that car 265 THOUSAND miles getting 42 MPG and no major problems. ( I had one of the good ones).

Anyway, at that time that car was so much fun to drive, practical, smooth riding, decent power and excellent handling. It too had a trunk in the front and rear. Although quite heavy for a sports car, I was able to spank quite a few cars with it at that time. I could out handle the 6 cylinder GT due to the weight difference, then be dusted in the straights like the Boxster vs 996. 1989 Pontiac made 30 turbo charged 3.3L V6 Fieros and scrapped production because it roasted the Corvette of the time for $15,000 less. Late 88 GTs had their own suspension (not the off the shelf Citation stuff) and is one of the most desired Fieros on the planet. The last 6 months of production were the best ones.

This car was also slammed by people whom have never taken the time to drive one and realize for $15-18k new it was a lot of bang for the buck.

The Fiero was meant to be a high MPG 2 seater commuter car, thats it. The public perception of this car made it evolve into a pseudo sports car. Unfortunately, the plug was pulled when it finally became a somewhat serious sportscar in early 1989.

I have owned 914s, 916s( CORRECTION: 914/6, there were only 11 916s made, 1 shipped to the US), 911s, Beetles, Austin Healy, Triumphs, Jags and other wierd stuff. Each of the models had their odd balls along their evolution.

Sometimes these little ricers piss and moan about other cars like the Boxster, because they are intimidated and don't understand the level of technology designed into the Boxster.

I dare to say most of them could not use a meter to diagonose anything electrical on a car, understand how a data bus works in most German cars, properly use a torque wrench, read a micrometer, vernier caliper, measure a cylinder bore for taper, let alone have a concept of how a manual transmission works or understand how a planetary gearset works and so on.

I never understood the argument of taking an economy car, spending thousands of dollars for modest gains in HP and handling, wheras the Porsche is a true sports car from the beginning. An economy car will always be an economy car.

To have all of this performance in the Boxster and its an all season convertible with a serious insulated top and a glass rear window, leather interior, vastly improved interior quality in 03 and 04, reasonable maintenance cost per mile, 32MPG behaving on the highway, as much trunk space as my G35 Sedan, and reasonable insurance for 42K-58K is a lot of bang for the buck.

Its a lot less than you garden variety Tahoe or monster SUV and some well performing luxury sedans.

The Boxster is easily identifiable as a Porsche, carries the Porsche image and reputation as a true sports car.

Sure, I would love a 996 or 997 (and I will someday), but I can afford to have much more fun with the Boxster without wiping out the bank account.


Last edited by bamaboxster; 09-14-2004 at 04:06 PM.
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