Thread: Cayenne Moron
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Old 09-28-2004, 10:11 AM   #22
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Just a suggestion from a new board member...

I know members here belong/read/lurks in other forums. And you sometimes read a negative remark about the Boxter. I think that quoting and/or linking those remarks and comments to this board only escalate the ill will. It's like getting beat up in a different neighborhood so you go back home and get your friends to help you get even. It's sophomoric. We're Porsche Boxster owners, we have better class than that.

I also read some not so positive remarks about other cars in here,
but outside of our shared interest in the Boxster, we really don't know too much about the other interest of our board members. My point is, if I don't like your comment about car X, should I then cross post your comments to car X forum?

I say, if you run across a bad comment about the boxster in other forums and you feel the need to defend it, please do it there - but don't drag it here where the original poster can't defend themselves. In other words, let's not start a flame war between forums. We'd be arguing with every person that expresses a negative "E-pinion" about our car. (gets off my soapbox)

"Arguing on the Net is like being in the Special Olympic, you might win, but you're still ****".
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