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Old 03-23-2007, 10:24 AM   #7
07 Carrera S Cab
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Hey thanks Jim. I was trying to find a place other than the dealer to buy some Pentosin fluid. This'll be my spring project.

Originally Posted by MNBoxster

When was the last time you checked your Power Steering Fluid? Did you smell it? Did it smell burnt? Did you look at it? Was it a clear Amber or dark and cloudy?

Power Steering Fluid, just like Motor Oil and Transmission Lube, breaks down over time. It also accumulates Dirt, Moisture and even some metal as the Steering Rack wears.

Changing this fluid occasionally, every 3-4 years ensures that your Power Steering Rack and Pump performs well over a long life.

The proper way to change this fluid is to raise the Car (properly supported for Safety), disconnect the Return Line going into the Steering Rack (it's the line on the Driver side), connecting a source of Fresh Fluid to the Line and a waste hose from the Rack into a Bucket or Catch Pan and running the Car, while turning the Steering Wheel back/forth until the fluid coming from the Rack is fresh and clear. This procedure is a 2-person job and can be very messy.

But, another method can be used which is almost as effective, but doesn't require you to raise the Car, or engage another person. To do this, you get a Turkey Baster (be sure it's cleaned and not going to be returned to Food Duty), a Catch Pan (old Windshield Washer bottles work great), and a litre of Pentosin CHF 11S.

Open the Engine to the Service Position (engine OFF), and clean the Cap and all around the Power Steering Resrvoir to insure not contaminating the Fluid when you open the Cap. Open the Cap and using the Turkey Baster, remove as much fluid from the reservoir as you can and dump it in the Catch container. Take special care not to spill any of the Fluid on any Paint or Coolant Lines as Pentosin will dissolve Paint and attack the Rubber Hose (it's best to place some towels around the area to be sure you don't mess up).

Now, refill the reservoir with some of the Fresh Pentosin CHF 11S. Repeat this procedure through the coming days (after driving the Car) until you've added the entire can of Pentosin - you'll be repeatedly diluting the old fluid and replacing it with fresh. By the end of the Can, the Fluid should be clear and most of the old stuff will have been extracted.

This Pentosin CHF 11S (not the CHF 7.1) is spec'd specifically for these cars and while there are other PS Fluids out there claiming to be compatible with Pentosin CHF 11S, it doesn't assure that it's compatible with the Seals in the system, so I recommend using only the Pentosin CHF 11S. It can be spendy with prices all over the Map. I've seen it as high as $39/litre, but the cheapest place to get it is: $15.16 + S/H.

If you perform this simple maintenance task once every 3-4 years, you'll insure that your power steeing systems perfroms optimally over a long life. Hope this helps...

Happy Motoring!... Jim'99
Current: 07 Carrera S Cab in Midnight Blue

Previous: 01 Boxster in Arctic Silver, 86 944 in Guards Red
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