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Old 03-08-2007, 11:59 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Perfectlap
...saves the expensive soft top from aditional wear...
I don't know if this has been mentioned or not, but I bought a boxster that had a hard top on it long-term. It was a Utah car and probably had a hard top on it at least 4-5 months a year for three or four years straight.

What happend to my soft top was that the cables that run along the sides of the top by the windows stretched and all the elastic inside that pulls the top and window back as it retracts stretched as well.

Because of this, I have to stop raising the top and insure the sides of the top are in the plastic frame (not riding partially outside it), and I have to do a double chop, one for the window and one for the fold above the window.

It's a real pain in the butt. Anyone using a top long-term on their boxster will probably have similar problems and from what I have found, the best solution is to have the top replaced... even if the window is in pristine condition like mine is!

Last edited by RandallNeighbour; 03-08-2007 at 12:03 PM.
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