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Old 03-08-2007, 05:13 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Chills
But you didn't mention anything specific for the winter.

And if a Boxster owner wants to save on wear and tear on the canvas and have a better ride, why not buy a Cayman?
I'm assuming you don't mean buy a Cayman for winter driving and a Boxster for summer driving but a Cayman instead of a Boxster.

I didn't buy a Cayman because I wanted a convertible so buying a Cayman instead of a Boxster wasn't an option to save wear and tear on the rag top. The hard top is however an option on the Boxster to save substantial wear and tear on the rag top from snow, salt and grit in the winter. Compare any ragtop driven throughout the winter with one that had a hard top and you will notice a substantial difference in wear. You also get a lot more crud in all of the spaces between the rag top and the body that you don't get with the hard top on in the winter.

Outside of the the Cayman forums there are a lot of people who don't think the Cayman provides a "better" ride than the Boxster for the very reason that the Cayman is more rigid. Throw in the trunk thump and change in air pressure created when the Cayman goes over bumps and the Cayman can be unsettling for some. I never really noticed that much difference between the handling and feel of the Cayman and Boxster but have been disparaged as a complete idiot with no sense of how a car handles for expressing that opinion. Maybe there is a difference though because many of those who claim to want the additional rigidity of the Cayman also opt for PASM to overcome the harshness of the ride. Particularly if they add 19" rims.

In short, I think you'll find an awful lot of people who think the Boxster provides a better ride because it is less rigid than the Cayman. Throw in the added benefits of a roadster in the summer and a hardtop in winter thereby extending the life of the ragtop and many people conclude that the Cayman offers less, not more.
2006 Boxster S
Midnight Blue/Metropol Blue Top
Bi Xenons
Auto Climate
Bose with Windstop
CD Changer
Heated Seats
Clear Sidemarkers
Midnight Blue Side Vents
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