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Old 03-07-2007, 08:59 PM   #13
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Location: California
Posts: 43
I wouldn't buy the boxster without the hard top mostly just because I like the look of them either top down, or with the hard top on. Don't like the look of the soft top up but that's just me. I also like the extra sound reduction with the hard top, and if I lived in snow country and actually drove the boxster, I would want to be able to scrape windows and not have to worry about the plastic or caring for the top fabric during the cold months.

Another reason to have a hard top is that people like cutting soft tops to take a peek inside your ride. I've had two tops cut open, one on a miata, one on a wrangler, but nothing stolen (because I don't leave anything of value in the car). What was even lamer was that the damn jeep wasn't even locked at the time, the 'tard just cut it open anyway.
This isn't the Boxster you're looking for...
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