The MN State Patrol uses a lot of aircraft surveillance to catch speed offenders. Supposedly, in Sept. '04, they wrote the fastest speeding ticket ever when they nabbed a kid on a motorcycle exceeding 200MPH (205 MPH actually), see:
http://www.usatoday.com/news/offbeat/2004-09-21-speeder_x.htm .
I've never owned a detector, never had a speeding ticket, though I have been stopped numerous times. Got nice, sympathetic, cops sometimes, or successfully fought them in court, sometimes with a
CFD (Continuance for Dismissal- agreement with the court that I wouldn't speed for a year and the ticket goes away).
A guy in one of the Car Clubs I belong to is an aircraft trooper. He once told a bunch of us that they look for two kinds of cars (since they cannot clock everyone, especially on a crowded highway). He said brightly colored cars and cars which make a lot of lane changes are the ones usually timed, so there may actually be something to having a car which is
Ticket-Me Red or
Stop-Me Yellow colored.
Happy Motoring!... Jim'99 (Guards
Ticket-Me Red)
PS @ edevlin - sorry to hear about your mom, I'm going through something similar with my 84 y.o. mom right now too - hang in there, I hope for the best!