Well, since I am a State Police officer in Illinois and I know a thing or two about radar detectors I would like to add my 2cts. Whenever an officer runs radar, they maintain their radars off in order to avoid radar or laser counter measures such as radar detectors. So when the officer spot a speeding vehicle he point his radar and does not activate it until the speeding car is up close and personal therefor catching you speeding, also, detectors cant detect a speeding detail for those of you that dont know what I am talking about let me explain.
A speeding detail involves a State Police helicopter or a Propeller aircraft circulating in the air in the vecinity of highway markers, when an approaching speeder arrives at the marker a counter starts and ends at the end of the road marker, usually mark by white lines on the roadways (some of you have seen those markers) then a Police squad unit is stationed about a mile and half or so from the ending marker, the aircraft radios the unit down below with the color of the vehicle and speed and in which lane the car is travelling GOTCHA SUCKER! lol
So to be honest, I see radar detectors as a waste of money and if the Police knows how to work his radar which some dont such as some suburban dept and big City depts then you'll be in for a BIG surprise! Some of you have experience your radar detectors activated from a Police squad unit the reason that happens is because the Officer has his Laser/Radar or Lidar speed detector activated instead of deactivated lucky for some of you for the lazyness of the officer
Ah the beauty of being able to speed and get away with it, lol! Sucks for you speeders. Nah just messing with you guys. I dont speed I promise! I no longer work the road so I am not involved in Traffic regulations but when I was I was usually a nice guy
now I am involved in narcotics investigations...
A few years ago I caught a guy with a Red Porsche Turbo Carrera speeding at 182 per hour he had a radar detector, guess what happen to him, went to jail, got his car impounded and lost his license forgot to mention all the money that was spent on legal fees...
So a word of advise be careful and please know what your doing before you proceed being the speed demons that we really are... Good luck guys!