Thread: radar detectors
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Old 01-02-2007, 07:30 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by Jeph
Since the arrow was pointing behind you, did you speed back up to your cruising speed? No, you probably waited until the signal was gone, right?

Again, it satisfies curiosity. Arrows aren't saving. If you are in range of a threat, you lay low -regardless of where the signal was.
I concur and you make all kinds of sense about the arrows alone. However, the arrows allow me to get back up to my driving speed when I can easily see that an oncoming cop has passed me and is well behind me shooting others. If I always had a visual, it wouldn't be important, but many times, especially at night, I do not have a visual sighting and the arrows are very good about telling me that the threat has passed and I can run it back up to 80 and set the cruise control again.

With previous detectors, it was an intuitive move on my part to do this. Now I can verify my intuition and have a little more peace of mind.

So do the arrows actually prevent a ticket? Mr. Valentine would probably argue yes... I would say the arrows bring a far greater awareness of who is where. The other option the V1 has over all other detectors (if I'm not mistaken) is the bogey counter. Knowing there are two or more threats ahead, combined with the arrows WILL do you some good and save you from getting a ticket. That has happened to me personally and I can attest to it. I jammed on the brakes to avoid an unmarked car with laser, all the while the V1 was saying there was a second threat nearby shooting Ka at me... I would have been nailed if it were not for the multiple threat meter AND those arrows showing me I had not passed the 2nd threat yet.

My bottom line is that the combination of what the V1 offers is superior to the normal readouts of the other detectors and I won't be trading mine in for anything else anytime soon.
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