Thread: radar detectors
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Old 12-28-2006, 07:25 AM   #13
Dr. Kill
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Originally Posted by RandallNeighbour
I can program the dang thing to turn OFF X band. It's only used in Ohio if I'm not mistaken, and is the cause of most of my false alarms (Walmart, Kroger, etc.)
You are right about this being a useful feature, but be careful, I think there is a lot of misinformation out there about where X is used and where it isn't. My experience is that it is more widely used than a lot of people think. A lot of Jersey cops use this, and you can always count on small town cop outfits running older equipment (X band).

I run with my 8500 X50 and slow down every time the thing goes off - it doesn't happen that often, so I just don't worry about false alarms - better safe than sorry + it is always fun to speed back up again later.
Happy Motoring!... Tim’05
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