Thread: radar detectors
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Old 12-28-2006, 06:58 AM   #12
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There are three reasons I chose my V1:

1) I can program the dang thing to turn OFF X band. It's only used in Ohio if I'm not mistaken, and is the cause of most of my false alarms (Walmart, Kroger, etc.)

2) It is upgradeable. Hopefully, it will be the last radar detector I must buy. I have a drawer full of noisemakers that I've retired and can't get a dime for now, even in a garage sale.

3) The arrows. Just last night, it was very comforting to know it was a cop on the other side of the barricaded tollway with his radar blazing... when I got side arrows then a rear arrow, I punched it back up to my "normal" driving speed. No worries that he's lurking ahead of me.

One gripe though: The V1's laser settings seem to go off randomly or when a newer SUV with LED tail lamps taps their brakes on the freeway. It's frustrating.
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