the big difference between the x50 and the v1 is sensitivity.
You will get allot more alerts with the v1 and most will be false alerts.
But I think that's a positive, not a negative.
After a while you know right away what a real threat sounds like, its hard to confuse. So you learn how to "tune out" the false beeps.
THe other difference from the testing I have seen is that the V1 is the best at picking up lazer from a trailing vehicle. Lazer from a stationary vehicle (cop on the side of the road hiding behind trees) seem to be about even in x50 vs. V1
In other words you've got somewhat of a chance at eluding a state trooper following cars from behind with the V1. This is the hardest type of signal to pick up of all the radar situations and the V1 has come up many times as the only one to succeed at this. I've had two instances where a state trooper was lurking from behind the V1 fired off Lazer and a minute or two later he was speeding after another car.
There are some neat installs of the V1 on
One 911 guy mounted it above his rearview mirror (the best spot) and hardwired it so it fires up on ignition with all wires hidden under the pillars.
Get the attachment display box that keeps the V1 from flashing on the windshield.
Helps to avoid tailgaters looking to mooch off your $400 and keeps the five-O from noticing flashing lights in your cockpit. I've been yelled at by cops several tiems for having a radar detector.
GT3 Recaro Seats - Boxster Red
GT3 Aero / Carrera 18" 5 spoke / Potenza RE-11
Fabspeed Headers & Noise Maker
BORN: March 2000 - FINLAND