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Old 10-02-2024, 06:18 AM   #3
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Posts: 99
"Windows do not lower using the buttons.

What does that mean exactly?"

Sorry, I should have said using the switches. The ones on the console. But then again, what other switches or buttons are there that raise/lower the windows?

By the way, they also do not raise/lower by holding the key turned either way in the door.

"Do the windows lower "an half inch", when you pull the handles inside or outside?"

They lower a little. They don't lower a half inch, but they really never have in the 8-1/2 years I've owned the car.

It's a 2001.

" In general 2 beeps directly after closing means a bad alarm control module."

My understanding is that two beeps just means there's a malfunction, vs one beep meaning something isn't closed all the way. As I said, I already had the two beeps due to the failed fuel filler door lock, but the beeps have changed -- gone from beeping about ten seconds after locking the doors with the remote (They did lock), to beeping immediately when the lock button on the remote is pushed. The doors don't lock and the marker lights don't flash. Obviously, this behavior is due to the blown C3 fuse.

Also, I don't think this problem is really due to water ingress. As I said, the only place there's actually water of any significance from the rain is on the passenger side floor, and only in the footwell part (not under that seat). The rest of the dampness seems to be more from condensation. Additionally, and again, as I already said, "not long ago, I had an issue with the windows. They weren't lowering when the top was raised/lowered, and there was some noise and sticking in the driver's side window when raising/lowering it. Those things all went away after a very short time (only happened on one drive). Now I'm thinking that was just the first symptom of whatever electrical issue is causing this, and it seems likely to be something to do with that driver's side window."

When that previous window issue happened, which was about two weeks ago, the symptoms were: Windows did not lower when the top was raised/lowered. Driver's window made some noise when raised/lowered with the switch on the console. Both windows worked with the console switches. Remote door locking also worked.

I have to figure out what is causing the C3 fuse to instantly blow as soon as it makes contact in the fuse blox, and I'm thinking it is related to the prior driver's door window behavior. Maybe a short in that motor or in the door wiring?

Last edited by Tweetdriver63; 10-02-2024 at 06:59 AM.
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