Really? 900 bucks for used immobilizers is normal now? Ebay?
I only paid like 150 bucks for mine... thread has gone way OT but have to admit im surprised that people usually take the other route (swapping everything from another car rather than just swapping eprom)
Originally Posted by tobyson21
Possibly bringing this thread back from the dead. Does anyone have any advice on where to source a good used immobilizer unit lately? A lot of the prices are through the roof!
I am fixing up a 99 Boxster 2.5 for a friends father who had the immobilizer flood. I can do surface mount soldering so I'm looking to swap EEproms, but most of the used immobilizers I can find are 800-900+. There's one local that they want 999 for and it has obvious signs of water damage.
I'm trying to reflow the entire original board to see if I can bring it back to life, but some parts were pretty oxidized. I'm trying to source a used board as a backup plan, in case anyone has a line on where I might find one.
Thank you all in advance and I'm glad i found this thread! EEprom replacement seems like an easy win if I can find a decent priced used board!
Thank you!