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Old 08-14-2024, 08:40 AM   #1
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Join Date: Aug 2024
Posts: 80
Question 99' Boxster Keyfob Locking Mechanism Not Working.

So I've been looking around forums on here and other places regarding the key fob on the
986 fobs. I have an issue currently with mine not working at all. The light does NOT flash red on the fob itself. I have tried putting a new battery in as well as trying the battery flip over for a few seconds an back.

I did see one mentioning the solder could be a part of the issue and either being detached / not in great contact. Was wondering if anyone had any insight as to what I can do with the light not even flashing. I can still unlock and lock the doors manually on the door itself and turn on the car. The locking mechanism itself just does not work on the keys but works fight on the dash.

I recently got quoted roughly 500 for just the transmitter itself + programming and that seems crazy considering I would pay that and not even get a new key.
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