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Old 07-03-2024, 02:03 AM   #1
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Problem with windows open and closing ntermittently

986 1998 2.5
Owned it for about 13 years. 225000km daily driver.
Now retired. Car always garaged and still immaculate. PS I am retired and always serviced my own car. I have recently had a problem with the windows going down anytime during a journey.
I manage to fix it afterwards by opening the hood and closing. Switch vehicle off and then close the windows. I managed for some time but then upon starting the car, windows drop to 3/4 position. Sometimes right down. Situation seems to deteriorate so much so that nothing helps in closing it. Even using the key in the door helped a while but not anymore. Shall i start by ordering new relay switch(es). Any advice would be appreciated (since it is winter) Also at this stage i don't even know where the relays are, Is it above the fuse box on left foot bay side?
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