Possibly bringing this thread back from the dead. Does anyone have any advice on where to source a good used immobilizer unit lately? A lot of the prices are through the roof!
I am fixing up a 99 Boxster 2.5 for a friends father who had the immobilizer flood. I can do surface mount soldering so I'm looking to swap EEproms, but most of the used immobilizers I can find are 800-900+. There's one local that they want 999 for and it has obvious signs of water damage.
I'm trying to reflow the entire original board to see if I can bring it back to life, but some parts were pretty oxidized. I'm trying to source a used board as a backup plan, in case anyone has a line on where I might find one.
Thank you all in advance and I'm glad i found this thread! EEprom replacement seems like an easy win if I can find a decent priced used board!
Thank you!