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Old 05-08-2024, 04:14 PM   #1
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Ignition/Steering Lock Issue

I have a '98 Boxster with 78,000 miles.

Recently the igntion key receiver-barrel assembly has started acting up.

When I turn off the car, remove the key, and open the door the idiot lights stay on and the key-door alert beeps and the steering wheel does not lock.

I have to insert, turn and remove the key several times and otherwise jiggle it to get that steering wheel lock to "click" and the lights/beeping to go off.

So one question: is the steering lock mechanical only or electromechanical, ie., is there a solenoid in the receiver-barrel that engages the steering lock?

I also note that I recall there being one of those protective metal "doors" that keeps debris out of the barrel body when the key is removed, but if there is such a door, it isn't closing any more.

I sprayed some silicon lube into the body-barrel, but it didn't seem to help.

Any thoughts as to how I can get the key receiver to work properly again?
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