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Old 04-15-2024, 05:27 AM   #12
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: St Catherines, Ontario
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Originally Posted by Starter986 View Post
You don't need them that bad. $350 bad.

No one is going to notice. Certainly not the 4 people in your state who othewise would recognize the screens. No one is going to think you're cooler. Actually, the only people who will notice will be us enthusiasts. You'll be recognized for paying an outrageous price to a faux enthusiast.

Save your money. Or settle at $200, which is still too high.

Good luck.
Let’s just make a few things clear here. I’ve been a member on this forum years before you joined. Because I don’t post every night like you and rack up my post count doesn’t make me any less an enthusiast than anybody on this forum.

I’ve sure had more experience and seat time in a boxster than you. I’d be surprised if you owned more boxsters than me.

Again. I’m not ask you to buy anything from me. Wouldn’t sell it to you anyways. You can go buy you chicken fencing from TSC and tell everybody at cars and coffee that you didn’t wanna pay for it so you go out your wife’s garden sheers and made your own.
Some of us rather put OEM parts on our cars.
To make this clear because you seem quite foggy. Some people would and have stocked up on Porsche filters which are likely rebranded Mann filters. Others go to autozone…. A filter is a filter but is it the same?

Do what makes you sleep at night. Get another hobby keyboard warrior
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