Thread: Break-in period
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Old 11-11-2006, 05:53 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by z12358

That's not only surpising (to me) but downright scary. Don't MD's study the scientific method and statistics during the 20 or so years they spend in school? I would also periodically (every 4 yrs or so) test EVERY MD on how up to date they are with the latest literature in their field of specialty and medicine in general. Only then they should remain certified to give life/death advice.

To continue your MD analogy, the same way every MD doesn't give out copies to patients of all scientific papers that made him give his recommendation, Porsche engineers don't include all their lab results, equations, and tests in the Porsche manual.

Yes it is scary, that is why you should choose your doctor wisely (and that is a whole other discussion on how to do that). They do get periodically tested but that doesn't necessarily translate into their management of patients. You are correct that those papers aren't given to patients, however, they are available for anyone to read at any time as they are on the web ( if anyone is interested). And one thing we have seen time and time again, is that ideas need to be revisited when new technology and treatments are available. And many ideas thought of as heretical at one time are now accepted as fact (ie world is flat vs round, etc...) I would love to see if there is any published data about the break in period and how old that data is. I agree with everyone about the oil longevity and people are able to cite studies on those, yet no one has access to or knows of studies done on engine break in.
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