ok, so I'm trying to remove my IMSB and it just will not budge. I'm using a homemade removal system partly seen in Burner's Cars videos but while his seemed to pop out very easily, mine is being tightened so much that I fear for my safety if something slips and parts go flying.
Originally I was using plastic PVC 2" tubing but once I discovered how much pressure was needed, I decided to get metal. Of course, the trouble with metal is it's difficult to find the proper length. I am limited on travel because I was only able to find one bolt anywhere that fit the 3/4" fine (16) thread of the pilot bearing tool I am using.
Anyway, so I came up this ingenious system of an adjustable tube. Ay least I thought it was ingenious until the first round of tightening came and then it's clear that the threads on the tubing (electrical conduit nipples) are not up to the pressure. So much for adjustable bearing puller and good bye $15!
And, yes, there is a question in here: Those of you who have pulled dual row bearings with the hidden circlip, is this difficulty normal or is my tubing too small? I know that would be a stupid mistake but I can't think of any other possibility. I've measured and centered the tubing so as to reduce the chance that I am pulling against the solid tubing with the bearing nowhere to go but I suppose it is possible.
Just would love to know any of those with any experience pulling this bearing. Again, it's the dual row with the hidden circlip which I assume is more difficult to pop loose than the single row.
Thanks so much...
The first set up with PVC but I couldn't trust it not to shatter and send shrapnel flying
So I upgraded to my patented adjustable bearing puller sleeve but that only crushed the threads and locked it solid.
Here are my parts which were good in theory; not so great in application.
Hey, just like the M96 engine!