Thread: Shifter upgrade
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Old 05-10-2023, 12:05 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by wiebuschk View Post
I wound up buying another 986 shifter to mod and the ebay short shifter. I have to say it was not a great fit. The bushings were snug enough but I had to remove internal washer from them to have room to put the clips on. I had to turn the shift shaft 180* as it was leaning the wrong direction. I had to file off some of the bottom of the shifter because it was rubbing on the cradle. I believe the stock shifter sits further to the front for clearance. It still has a bit of slop but is much tighter than stock. It takes more effort to shift for sure but I like the short throw. I may end up with a 987 shifter but will run this a while to see if it grows on me.
This mirrors what I experienced as well with the ebay shifter. Now that it's done, I like it, but it was a bit of a nightmare to get it all sorted. I actually had to cut off and grind one end down to get the clips to fit, so I thought I had the wrong one, but whatever, I made it work. Mine has no slop at all, and the throw is very short, so for now I'm good, but I'm always keeping an eye out for a 997 short shifter, or bite the bullet at some point on a Numeric.
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