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Old 12-11-2022, 04:38 AM   #16
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Another example of blaming the IMSB

I have been watching the "Man in a Garage" videos while tearing down the engine mentioned in post #13 above. The engine that is the object of the videos was diagnosed as an IMSB failure... but when the engine was opened up the IMSB was fine.
This is not to deny that there are IMSB failures... but it should not be blamed without having a look inside.
Arctic Silver 2000 Boxster S - bought with a broken engine, back on the road with the engine replaced
Green 2000 Boxster 5-speed and 1978 928 auto
1987 924S 5-speed (Sold) - Blue 2000 Boxster 5 spd (Sold)
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