Originally Posted by Starter986
My post reveals zero about my character, thank you. I am, in fact, a joy to be around. You can ask both people who well know me.
Desperation is $400? lol. No, $400 is one enthusiast passing along to another enthusiast a fair, reasonable, and thoughtful deal. That's not desperation, that's generosity.
You paid $800? I'm sorry, that doesn't align with my sensibilities.
Good day. 
Starter what this post reveals is that you are definitely a ‘character’. As Billy Joel sang ‘Don’t go changing….. we love you just the way you are!’
PS. My humps came with the car, I use them maybe twice a year at show and shines and the occasional cars&coffee event. Everyone loves them and I think I could get better than $500 should I sell, but then again, that’s in Canadian dollars, so about $32.50 USD.