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Old 06-09-2022, 07:40 AM   #6540
2003 S, Arctic Silver, M6
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Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada
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Turn signal and frunk latch

My frunk was not opening properly so I replaced the mechanical portion of the latch assembly. The old one had a loose and weak release spring. New one opens with a decidedly better ‘thunk’ and the emergency release now works.

I also replaced the turn signal/windshield washer/cruise control module behind the steering wheel. My turn signal lever was not returning to off and was occasionally not engaging when activated. A common problem I discovered after doing research here and on Rennlist.

With the help of the Bentley Manual and some great YouTube videos I completed both repairs in a couple of hours. Once again 986Forum and Rennlist members come to the rescue.
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