I have an Ender 3 Pro with a glass bed and enclosure. I've ordered a spool of ABS to start working with. If I'm not mistaken, I'm pretty well set for using it. Just need to make sure all my settings are correct for ABS.
As for the cup holder, the first prototype is printed, and there are definitely changes to make.
There's no way another one would fit on the driver's side, so the bracket part needs to be much bigger. It has to be long enough that it covers the entire gap between the console and dash with a nice finished surface. The part of it where the cupholder inserts needs to be thicker, since it will be sticking out from the dash, not back in the gap, and it needs to angle down about 15 degrees (just a guess. I'll measure the angle before the next attempt.) to make the cupholder level. I will probably make that part of the bracket into a cylinder, with the slot in the middle for the cupholder arm to be inserted.
The bottom arm of the cupholder fits so tightly that it needed to be hammered in, so it ain't gonna be coming out without some serious force.
I'll be on the road for the next week, so stay tuned.
Last edited by Tweetdriver63; 02-01-2022 at 02:23 PM.