Originally Posted by Stl-986
Tinkercad is good to use, pretty powerful, free and many youtube videos on how to do things. I mainly use what's part of Windows. 3D Builder. It is very, very basic....but it works for most things. I do use Tinkercad as well.
Take a look on thingiverse. There is one design for a cup holder that goes into the arm rest. It's simple and easy. Plus it keeps sticky liquid away from the shifter...and electronics. Someone on here made one out of foam and uses that.
I'm just not a fan of putting any liquids where it is close to electronics like the hvac/radio.
Keep in mind a few things also.
1) superglue does not work well to keep 2 pieces of PLA together, even worse in a car.
2) use plan for prototyping things, but use abs or nylon for final versions that will go in a car.
PLA will warp in a car, and break (it's brittle in the cold)
Thanks for the advice on PLA vs ABS/nylon. So far I've only worked with PLA and it's been fine, but I haven't done anything that has to be really really strong either.
I assume you're talking about the cup holder that goes inside the armrest. I actually have one of those I got right after I got the car in 2016. I almost never use it because 1, it's behind me, and 2, the armrest lid doesn't stay open on its own when you drive, so it falls down and crushes paper cups or things with straws in them. It's a good idea, but not a friendly one.
I've also seen the ones that mount in the ashtray, but I can't imagine that being a workable location with a manual car.
I don't like the ones that sit on the floor or clamp on the seat adjustment bar.
Right now I rely on one of those seat gap fillers with a cup holder in it, but it is in the way of the passenger. My wife doesn't like it there.
This project is just to explore another potential option.