Originally Posted by 2ata
I'm just getting into 3D printing. What's a good starter CAD for someone new?
I'm pretty new to it too. I've done a few projects, with some decent success (a suction cup rearview camera mount for my Lotus; a mounting bracket to adapt a BMW removable cupholder for said Lotus; a replacement double din trim bezel for the Pioneer head unit in my Boxster; boxes for speakers and cupholders for our hot tub), but I'm far from anything but a novice at this point.
So far, I've been using Tinkercad online for design, and Cura for slicing. I'm sure I'll have to move on from Tinkercad before long as it doesn't seem nearly as capable as more complex pieces enter my wheelhouse. For starting out, though, it seems a good introduction, and it's free.