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Old 01-25-2022, 10:02 AM   #36
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Originally Posted by rfuerst911sc View Post
Interesting comment about the passenger side fitting tighter . Because the driver's side is generally used much more than the passenger side I wonder if the foam was less compressed on the passenger side ?

I was wondering if maybe a thin layer ( 1/2 " ) of additional foam on the driver's side may have helped with a tighter fit . Common sense says it would have helped .

I think with some seat time 😁 and some adjustments of the zip ties you will get them tighter. . I think you did a good job . Please try to update maybe in 6 months to see how they look and are holding up .

Last comment/question . What if anything did Lseat recommend for conditioning and treatment of the leather ?
As I mention somewhere there is a big piece of 1/2" foam in the package with the seat covers, It could be used as you suggest. I used a bit to patch the foam on the driver's cushion where it was worn away.

There are no instructions or recommendations with the covers, something that Lseat could improve.
Arctic Silver 2000 Boxster S - bought with a broken engine, back on the road with the engine replaced
Green 2000 Boxster 5-speed and 1978 928 auto
1987 924S 5-speed (Sold) - Blue 2000 Boxster 5 spd (Sold)
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