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Old 01-23-2022, 06:52 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Seal1968 View Post
Given you are not a professional upholsterer, great job, IMO.

There's a lot of videos out there to show you how to tighten up the covers. Even leaving them in the hot sun helps shrink them down.

Here's a link below - they use a steamer and heat gun. Be VERY careful with a heat gun as it can damage the vinyl without a doubt.

Just watch how the wrinkles disappear. Not saying yours will be perfect, but I bet some extra work in the nicer weather will greatly improve your results even further.

Thanks for the encouragement. That's the plan, work on the wrinkles during the summer.

Chatsworth... I looked that up... I was born in Fordwich which isn't far away, My family moved to BC when I was very young so don't remember much of the area.
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