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Old 01-08-2022, 01:03 PM   #20
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The seat is back together and it looks pretty good.

After all the effort that went into installing the cushion I was worried that it might pop off in the front so I screwed in a retainer to make sure it doesn’t move.

The cut-out and installation of the seat back release levers turned out really well.

I had problems with the installation of the panel for the seat controls. I think the new cover distorted the foam so that I could not get one of the top clips to engage. I ground about an 1/8th of an inch off the panel’s lip in the top rear and then was able to install it. Then I had to take it off again because the seat back recline control wasn’t working correctly (see below).

And here it is back in its natural habitat!

When I installed the seat bottom cushion I had a few problems related to the assembly order, I suggest the following. (if I have this wrong please correct me).
Note - when you remove the cushion and its plastic base from the seat frame the wiring for the seat back recliner switch may stay with the frame or the plastic base. It is easier if it remains with the plastic base, in which case the control panel can be removed and replaced with the cushion out of the frame. This means steps 3 and 4 become steps 2 and 3.
1 – install the hinge cover
2 - place the cushion on the frame and pass the seat belt buckle through the back of the frame and install it and clip the wire in place (if you removed the buckle).
3 – position the seat back recliner switch in the hole in the seat cover for the control panel. It goes between the cushion and the frame.
4 – install the recliner switch in the panel for the seat controls and install the panel.
NB – make sure the lever for the recliner switch is centered when installing the switch, if not it will only work in one direction.
5 – before installing the cushion make sure that wire for the recliner motor in the seat back is out of the way. The hardest part is to get the rear of the cushion in place between the seat back and the bottom frame. Working from the bottom, there are 2 conical stand-offs that have to be lifted up into the pads they sit in. With the cushion at an angle you can do them one at a time. Pull the bottom edge of the seat around the shaft for the height adjustment lever as you lower the cushion onto the frame.
6 - install the screw in the rear. Position the wires, some of them are inserted into clips on the sides of the base. Zip-tie the wires.
7 – install the white clips in the front.
8 – insert the seat height adjustment lever into the panel.
Arctic Silver 2000 Boxster S - bought with a broken engine, back on the road with the engine replaced
Green 2000 Boxster 5-speed and 1978 928 auto
1987 924S 5-speed (Sold) - Blue 2000 Boxster 5 spd (Sold)

Last edited by elgyqc; 01-17-2022 at 06:41 AM. Reason: corrections
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