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Old 01-06-2022, 01:05 PM   #17
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Well, I swallowed my pride and asked my girlfriend to help with the seat bottom and we got it together in about an hour with much grunting and groaning. Not perfect but not too bad.

It looks a bit better in reality than in the picture.

We started at the back on one side and worked our way around to the other side. The toughest part was the front and the secret was for one of us to push in the front of the foam to give some slack while the other rolled the the bead into place.
Arctic Silver 2000 Boxster S - bought with a broken engine, back on the road with the engine replaced
Green 2000 Boxster 5-speed and 1978 928 auto
1987 924S 5-speed (Sold) - Blue 2000 Boxster 5 spd (Sold)

Last edited by elgyqc; 01-06-2022 at 03:03 PM.
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