Thread: Bumper opinions
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Old 07-24-2021, 01:36 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by azlvr View Post
That's fantastic! With the owner and the buyer along with a few on this forum we have your handful. Now I realize in some parts of the country change is difficult. California is the customization capital of the Country and many of those type of cars are normal for their giant population whereas in others I can see they would be shocking. I'm sure I can give you examples of many hideous trucks that may look normal in your area but not in Ca. Fortunately Porsche has chosen to advance in the direction the customizers and not continue with 90's styling.
My brother... you're missing the whole point that several of us are trying to make. You're trying to add 2010+ modern styling to a car that was designed in the early '90s. Tacking on a larger, modern bumper cover to a small car design that's over 25 years old doesn't work. THE. PROPORTIONS. ARE. ALL. WRONG.

Yes - the modern bumper cover looks great - on a modern car. Trying to tack it on where it's out of proportion just doesn't look right.

This is what you're trying to do. Great in theory. In reality not so much.
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I think I have a Porsche problem...
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