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Old 05-18-2021, 05:59 AM   #20
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Join Date: Sep 2020
Posts: 25
I have a 2001 tip S with FVD Brombacher Sound version exhaust installed long before intake update. I just this past weekend put in a 997 plenum and 74mm TB. I used 3 inch silicone elbows and 3 aluminum pipe. I kept the original airbox and MAF so that the MAF sensor reading is accurate. Lots of people have tried to tune to accommodate the 987 airbox and MAF and it seems to be difficult. I have no data as proof, but the intake roar is louder and the pull is more linear. After install my car started and ran smoothly with no troubles or codes. For the minimal cost (<$150 used parts) I think what I have done has been well worth my time and money. IPD is spendy, but since you already have it I would install it.
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