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Old 04-29-2021, 09:32 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by maytag View Post
The beauty of a coilover (especially a high quality one like the ohlins) is the adjustability.
Not sure about the Ohlins.. but I am on my second set of KW-V3's and they have a minimum and maximum height to keep the struts from getting damaged, and I found out that their maximum height (the minimum amount you can lower the car still was about 1" lower than the OEM suspension.. this left my car scratching the front on the speed bumps or whenever you enter a driveway the car looked awesome but you was kind of annoying..

What worked for me, was adding a thicker OEM spacer on top of the spring (between the bearing and the bottom of the top mounting plate, for the 987 chassis Porsche offered different thickness spacers but for some reason thet don't do it for 981's therefore I simply used two spacers, does not seem a lot but it drastically reduced the amount of scrapping of the front and at the same time keeping the struts within the recommended settings.

I can dig up the P/N of the spacer I am talking about if you need it, PLMK thanks!

PS: If your car end being about 1" lowered or so, you will need a set of rear toe links to get the rear toe back to speck

Last edited by Gilles; 04-29-2021 at 10:08 AM.
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