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Old 03-24-2021, 09:21 AM   #2
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I strongly suggest the money you spend on labor with an EXPERIENCE shop who has done a Boxster top before .... (others will disagree) is IMHO money well spent! So really think about it, because top replacement can be a real difficult job for a first timer!

Having said that.....IF you decide to have a shop install it I would also suggest you discuss it with that shop to get their recommendations as to the brand of top they prefer and the reasons they prefer it. The plus of a glass back window has the defroster wires (you have a wired switch already in your panel) and it will never deteriorate like plastic.......the negative is that the glass window could be smaller than the plastic window in most cases.

I had an experienced automotive upholstery shop do mine. They ordered the top from the vendor they had prior experience with. My 98' now has new a standard (not acoustic) black top with glass and a defroster that works great. the job was done in ONE DAY. In the Chicago area has typically high prices....I paid $1,400 total and that was 2 yrs ago.

It's my summer sunny day driver so 90% of the time the top is folded down.

Last edited by Rob175; 03-24-2021 at 09:24 AM.
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