I own one of the first 1997 Boxsters 2.5L sold in America. For sure one of the first sold from Princeton Porsche. I'm the second Owner and I also bought it from Princeton used. I have had the car for 12 years with 90K miles.
Its time for the IMS repair and before I spend any money I wanted to give the car a once over.
Here are some findings so far- most are the usual suspects
Power steering fluid return line leaking at the reservoir.
RMS leaking - but no big deal already knew this was to be replaced.
Air Oil Separator leaking bad not a big deal.
Did a bore-scope and i have oil in the cylinders - looks like valve stem seals, I was having a hard time seeing the cylinder walls with my bore-scope - this is a big deal to drop the engine.
Questions -
Since this is a super early Boxster and does not have a programmable DME( checked the part number), what engine modifications can I do to increase the HP that can be handled by the current ecu? Performance muffler? Exhaust manifolds( have to replace the current ones)?
or should it just remain stock?
Have a few other question but I want to see were this goes!