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Old 02-18-2021, 02:25 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by porschefan76 View Post
Hey, thanks for the quick response. I've got to admit, I am beginning to be tempted toward just replacing a few things (especially the low-dollar stuff) and see what happens.

I think if I can't get specifics on where the O2 output signals should be or what the STFT PID is in Durametric, this limits my ability to continue troubleshooting with any reliable effectiveness. But I cannot find any confirmation that maintaining a full-sweep sine wave of 0.04mV to 0.85 mV is even a failure mode for narrow-band O2 sensors, meaning logically, they're working and it's something else. That said, after I test the cats with a back-pressure gauge, replace the spark plug tubes, test crankcase vacuum with my manometer again and smoke the intake once more, my next step may be replacing the O2 sensors. Fortunately, I enjoy working on the car and learning more about it, so I'm just going to keep at it.

Thanks for the time and the help!
From what I see in your O2 signal sine waves that you have posted in this thread in post 13 your O2 sensors are fine they show a typical sine wave.
The issue I see is your post Cat O2 signals are showing that your Cats are not working properly. So the Catalytic converter are suspect the sensors are fine.

Sorry I just went through the thread again and see in post 17 that you ran the O2 sensor data again at a more steady rpm.
But to me your bank 2 post O2 cat sensor still shows that your cat on bank 2 is suspect. maybe not failed but boarderline.

Last edited by blue62; 02-18-2021 at 03:14 PM.
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