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Old 02-15-2021, 02:15 PM   #1
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Proper OBD2 Scanner? Or Wifi Unit w/Proper App

Hi All

I am in the market for a Boxster, and besides from the obvious PPI, I wanted to bring along a good code reader that can help me diagnose any big issues.

I have had something like the Foxwell NT510 for my previous BMW, but I was unaware that I could use the same unit for other brands so I gave it away with the car.

Should I invest in another one? Or can I get away with an app along with a wifi unit (I have a VGate at the moment) that should give the same information, and clear codes etc. If so- What app would you recommend?

Otherwise, can I get away with a more "standard" unit such as the item below? It is 1/3 of the price of the Foxwell unit, but looks like it does all of the same functions.

Thanks in advance!
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