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Old 01-21-2021, 05:17 AM   #4
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Posts: 157
Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
These fuel level gauges are programable with everything from a PST II to the Durametric system; you simply need to follow the recalibration procedure in the service manual.
JFP Thanks for your response. I have come to have great confidence in your advice.

A little more help please. I have the Enthusiast Durametric and best I can tell neither it or the professional version will calibrate the fuel tank. Am I wrong?

This is my hobby car and I dread going to the dealer and explain that I have cobbled the cluster and that I want him to PIWIS it as a 996 and calibrate my fuel. My sense is the dealer will not want to mess with me. I may try a few other thing first.

Anyone?....Particlewave? ..Does anyone know the eeprom bits in the newer blue grey and green connector cluster for a 986 to turn on the oil pressure and voltmeter? or alternately, does anyone know the eeprom bits to go from 20 gal to 16 gal fuel in the 996 blue grey green cluster?

Another possibility, at this point my sending unit span is from 12 ohms full to 300 ohms empty. I wonder if I add a potentiometer and adjust the sending unit to half a tank would that work? I'm not sure because I think my cluster is set to do that final 1/4 calculation so my OBC would be wrong.

Finally, I can just go on living and knowing that I am out of gas a 1/4 tank. None of this is super important on a hobby car, just fun.:dance:
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