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Old 10-26-2006, 03:40 PM   #65
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Originally Posted by ohioboxster
I have one thing to say, there is no way in hell that its a 1 out of 4 ratio that has failure. Thats a quarter of the cars produced. Come on, please beoytches.........

On a quiet night you can here Porsches exploding all across America.
Yeah.. I'm kinda with you on that. I mean, really. Don't you think we'd be in class-action territory here? Some guys caused a *huge* friggin' stink over the battery life in i-pods.. It was like the shot heard 'round the world. Then there was some guy making a stink online about easily scratched i-pod nano screens. These things cost less than $500 and people were in an uproar.

Now 20-25% of the people paying $50,000US for a car are having it die on them and not a peep from the media? No lawsuits? Seriously?
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