Thread: Took a dump
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Old 11-05-2020, 12:42 PM   #27
1998 Boxster Silver/Red
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Posts: 3,060
Racer... I won't be selling it. One day one of the kids will get it. THus, I'm not worried about the selling value for I've a stupid amount of money into it already that never I'll see. Pleasure stuff.

Jay... I wish I were in San Diego... or closer to that stretch of 5 from, say, CDL south. If I had been proactive I'd renew my AAA coverage and the 200 miles tow. That would really open up my indie choices. Absent that coverage I'll be in $600 in towing.

Pipe... yeah. No IMS for me.

78... a new IMS would put me further away from Bypro's engine.

Tonight I have the "budget" talk with the wife (No "Frightened" emoji available). Fortunately the last few days found me some new business... so the hit shouldn't be so bad. I'll budget ~$2K. Likely Monday it'll go to the shop.

Have a great day, all!
1998 Porsche Boxster
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