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Old 09-08-2020, 01:23 PM   #104
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Location: Lincolnshire, IL
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Just had my oil changed by my trusted "indi" shop and for the first time in 22 yrs it's leaking. They did replace the drain plug with a new drain plug (Porsche part, NOT the magnetic type) because after 22 yrs the original hex wrench opening was getting a bit rounded off. I also saw that they had a new aluminum crush washer with it.

But it's leaking only a bit....not a ton, but even a little oil on the rubber garage mat can look like a lot. So, they want me to bring it back and they'll lift it up and look.

I'm not an expert but I'm wondering if I should expect them to:
1. Pull the plug (collect the fresh oil for re-use) use a new crush washer and tighten to spec.
2. Just tighten the drain plug to torque specs (assuming it wasn't tighten properly in the first place) and see if it still leaks.
3. Start ALL OVER with new oil, new crush washer, tighten to spec.

Suggestions??......thx in advance.

Last edited by Rob175; 09-08-2020 at 01:36 PM.
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