Thanks everyone
I've very quickly learned that I'll be relying on the internet a lot for information 🤣.
Troubleshooting a car when you work at the mfg plant is SOOOO MUCH easier than in your garage (I know this is obvious but still). Everything I've needed to find out about a HVAC part while working in the plant, all I've had to do was look up the CAD model and section view it accordingly, and reference the supplier drawings. Spare parts were super handy and abundant to use for troubleshooting in the plant too !!!
I also can't just product req broken parts on company expense 🤣.
Not exactly the case when you don't have either of those ! The cars got a lot of random unplugged wires, severed cables that I've had to dig through the internet to find out what they are. Need to brush up on reading circuit diagrams too..
Still got lots to learn , but I'll get there.