Originally Posted by Starter986
OK. Removing clamps... bring the hoses into the trunk... etc.
Couldn't those hoses on the engine side just be cut. In half. And replaced as part of the install of the new tank?
I'll read about guys replacing their AOS... getting all hung up on removing the bellows... the rubber part at the very bottom of the old AOS. It can be a pain to get the clamp off. Me? I just cut mine in half for it was going to be replaced anyhow.
So... along those lines... couldn't those engine-side hoses just be cut close to the tank... remove the tank... toss the tank... replace tank including new hoses?
No? Incorect? Am I missing something?
I wondered about this approach. Must be a problem because I'm not finding much on it.
Thanks for all the tips. I'll post my progress.